
Thursday, November 14, 2013

World Reserve Currency, The Petrodollar And The Chinese Economy, American And The European Economy

The Rise And The Fall Of An Empire, The Petrodollar, The World Reserve Currency Is Under Attack.

The Dollar is Heading for Collapse. What Fed can do, will do to stop that from happening?

A dollar collapse occurs when the dollar falls rapidly that it triggers those dollars to panic and sell immediately at all costs.
 When the dollar collapses, large units will destroy their dollar holdings, and replace it with other currencies.
 One consequence of this collapse is that the U.S. dollar (which can be continuously created from scratch) will not be accepted in international trade. 

Therefore, the costs of essential imports – like oil, manufactured goods and raw materials – will increase dramatically. 

With regards to our national economy, the dollar continues to fall. As regards the final outcome, it is not known.
So what must happen to make this happen?
Well, we can the dollar as a reserve currency in the world market is a good start. How could this happen? 
Well, the oil-producing countries, international investors, and other countries, that stockpile dollars will better understand the opportunities with Euro. 

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Weakening of the dollar, causes a huge problem for Americans. First of all, it makes imports more expensive, which in reality is inflation. Ultimately, this means a lower standard of living than what they expect.

Its inevitable that the dollar will collapse, this will not happen overnight and will be a gradual collapse.
 The only thing saving us right now is the fact that the euro .
Sovereign nations that cannot meet their financial obligations typically resort to the currency printing press. 
The inevitable result is debasement of the currency. This is the course the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve have taken.

The unfolding bank solvency crisis and the attempts to prevent a systemic collapse have accelerated the debasement of the dollar. When everyone begins realizing that paper money is limitless, the dollar will descend rapidly.

Current fears of "deflation" will vanish. In addition, tapped out U.S. consumers will no longer be purchasing trillions worth of exports. 

That will eliminate the incentive for our trade partners to continue supporting the dollar. 
 When substantial foreign investment starts to flee our currency for safety elsewhere, the Federal Reserve will be forced to monetize the U.S. debt instead of selling treasury bonds.

At that point the currency printing presses will be running full speed. It will be the beginning of a U.S. hyperinflation. Nobody can predict when it will happen. Since most financial activity is electronic, when the unraveling begins it will progress very rapidly. The timing of the fall does not matter, however, if you are prepared.
HOW TO SURVIVE THE DOLLAR COLLAPSE provides a clear and comprehensive picture for making informed decisions about your financial future in language anyone can understand. And you can have it immediately.
Whenever private citizens do print money, it's called counterfeiting. When the government prints money it's called funding. Either way, whoever prints it, paper dollars are still worthless pieces of paper.

The only reason paper dollars remain in demand is people still trust them. Most of us have "faith" the dollar has value, when in truth no value exists.

At one time in our country's history, paper money actually had value. Called Certificates, Every paper dollar was redeemable in silver or gold at any bank. Those days are long gone.

Today, paper dollars created by the Federal Reserve System are called Debt Notes. They're called Debt Notes because that is what they are. Each Note has an outstanding debt owed against it which must be paid back with interest.

Since our government spends what it does not have, it must borrow from the Federal Reserve ever-increasing amounts of Debt Notes to remain solvent. It can do this only by rolling over old debt (including interest) into new debt.

This in turn creates ever-increasing amounts of debt which can never be paid back. There are simply never enough Debt Notes in circulation to pay back what is owed against them.

Consequently, the Federal Reserve System is a classic Ponzi Scheme made legal by an Act of Congress back in 1913.
It is an ever-growing mountain of debt and paper Debt Notes in circulation that creates monetary inflation.
This mountain of debt and paper Debt Notes has been growing for over 40 years. It cannot continue much longer.
The time is very near when, by rule of monetary order, this Ponzi Scheme will implode, and the dollar will collapse on itself.

Politicians cannot stop the collapse or prevent it from happening. So it is incumbent on each of us to do what we can to prepare while there is still time to do so.
When the collapse occurs those left holding paper dollars, and dollar-based paper assets will suffer the greatest. 401Ks, Stocks, Bonds, IRAs and the like will become worthless overnight. And that's just the beginning.

We will wake up one morning and find we are in a very different world. Few people will have the where-with-all to make it through this mess unless they are prepared ahead of time going into it.


The Federal Reserve continues to print money, and it will lead to hyper inflation. Prices of goods will rise and the dollar will be worthless compared to other currencies and gold. 

When America was on the Gold Standard, each of these dollar bills represented a percentage of gold that we had stored at Fort Knox. 

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